
Context details. (MORE INFO)

Context: Cellular Phone m-services

Note: This list contains all the constructs (and corresponding measuring variables) as defined by the authors when proposing/using/applying the theories/models in the selected context. It also includes the scales used to measure the variables.

  • Construct (Theory/Model): Behavioral Intention (TAM)
      Assuming that I have access to the mobile services, I intend to use them.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Wang, Lin, & Luarn, 2006)
      I intend to increase my use of mobile services in the future.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Wang, Lin, & Luarn, 2006)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Ease of Use (TAM)
      Learning to use mobile services is easy for me.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Wang, Lin, & Luarn, 2006)
      It would be easy for me to become skilful at using mobile services.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Wang, Lin, & Luarn, 2006)
      I would find mobile services easy to use.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Wang, Lin, & Luarn, 2006)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Usefulness (TAM)
      Using mobile services would improve my performance in conducting transactions.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Wang, Lin, & Luarn, 2006)
      Using mobile services would make it easier for me to conduct transactions.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Wang, Lin, & Luarn, 2006)
      I would find mobile services useful in conducting my transactions.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Wang, Lin, & Luarn, 2006)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Credibility (TAM)
      Using mobile services would not divulge my personal information.Not Specified
      I would find mobile services secure in conducting my transactions.Not Specified
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Financial Resources (TAM)
      Financial resource (e.g. to pay for communication time, subscription, and/or service) is not a barrier for me in using mobile services.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Wang, Lin, & Luarn, 2006)
      I have enough financial resources (e.g. to pay for communication time, subscription, and/or service) for using mobile services. Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Wang, Lin, & Luarn, 2006)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Self-efficacy (TAM)
      I could conduct my transactions using the mobile service system if I had just the built-in help facility for assistance.Likert 1-7, Not al All Confident to Totally Confident(Wang, Lin, & Luarn, 2006)
      I could conduct my transactions using the mobile service system if I had seen someone else using it before trying it myself.Likert 1-7, Not al All Confident to Totally Confident(Wang, Lin, & Luarn, 2006)
      I could conduct my transactions using the mobile service system if someone showed me how to do it first.Likert 1-7, Not al All Confident to Totally Confident(Wang, Lin, & Luarn, 2006)